Happiness and all things bump-related

First of all, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas yesterday. We are so happy to be back in Arizona with our friends and family close by. I definitely took that for granted before we moved to Colorado. It would be a tough choice to move away from them, if that were to ever happen again. For now, we are staying put! I am not up for another move to any place for at least two years. Time to get settled in -- baby is on his way!

Little Guy's profile! I love how clearly you can see him!
So, we found out a little more than a month ago that we are having a BOY! Woo hoo! I will tell you that up until the ultrasound, I had really hoped for a girl. But as we were in the little ultrasound room seeing our baby in his distinguishable tiny human for the first time, I stopped caring about the gender. It didn't matter. All I could think about was the unbelievable sight of my baby on the screen, seeing his heart beat, his whole structure having taken form since our last ultrasound, and being blown away by the reality. When our ultrasound tech got around to revealing the gender, she said, "Okay, so if it's a boy, we will see [this] or if it's a girl, it will look like [this]. What do you think you're having?" and then, I'll be darned, I was either having a boy or this kid had three legs! I just laugh/cried and said, "THAT is a boy!" Bron and I celebrated by making our first baby purchases now that we finally knew it was a little guy!

I am now 27 weeks along -- one more week until third trimester! Whaaa?! Baby boy weighs about two pounds and is about 14 1/2 inches long. He's getting big and so am I! I hate gaining weight but if there were ever a good reason to, having a baby is it.

A couple weeks ago @ 25 weeks. He's definitely in there!
In other news, I feel him moving ALL THE TIME. It's amazing and sometimes startling. I've been feeling him for five or six weeks now, I don't know exactly when I finally figured out that what I was feeling was him, but now it's undeniable (I'm getting nudged as I write). Bronson felt him kick for the first time a couple weeks ago. I can see his kicks from the outside now, too. I could seriously sit and watch my belly for ever. Yesterday, he was wriggling around and I looked down and he must have been doing a barrel roll or something because it looked like a tiny tidal wave under my skin. It was crazy and weird in the best way. What's not so awesome is sleeping. Before I was pregnant, I was a stomach/back sleeper. After the first trimester, you're not supposed to sleep on your back, so I've had to train myself to sleep on my side. I've been sleeping with a body pillow for a while and just recently bought myself one of those contoured head/neck pillows, which has definitely helped. I know it's only going to get harder to get comfortable and sleep and I'm not looking forward to it, but you do what you gotta do. We are so excited for his arrival! Just 13 more weeks! Let's go!


  1. So glad things are going well for you and the baby. Love how happy you are to be pregnant!


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