Hello, again.

Well, hi. It's been a while. Let's catch up, shall we?

Bronson and I moved to the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado back in April for his job. We have loved living here. And hey, I'll take any opportunity to be out of Arizona in the summertime. You don't know hot until you've been in Arizona at the end of July. Colorado, on the other hand, has beautiful summers. All weather-related things aside, it has been a huge blessing for us to have the opportunity to be here.

This summer has been a busy one for us. Bronson was working 60-80+ hours a week until just recently. It certainly made us treasure the few hours a week that we did see and talk to each other. Now that things have slowed down to a regular 40 hour work week, Bronson has started a full load of school online through ASU. It is never ending with my man. I don't know how he does it. But, I so deeply admire his dedication to his future and our stability.

I am still in cosmetology school... but nearly finished! Just a liiiittle bit longer. I have loved being in school for hair; it really was the right decision for me when I changed my career path. Since I've been in school, I get asked frequently by my clients/family/friends what my favorite thing to do is. Honestly, I was certain that it was going to be hair color. My mom taught me the basics of color theory growing up and I've been "fluent" in color theory for a while. But, to my happy surprise, I love cutting. I could cut hair all day. It has been so gratifying for me to find my love in the cosmetology industry for something that I wasn't taught growing up. When I learned how to cut, it was like someone unveiled a series of magic tricks and then taught me how to do them. When I tried my hand at it, it felt as if someone had just taught my hands to move in ways that they had been wanting to my whole life. Just gimme my shears and I'm a happy girl.

In other news, we love our ward here. We have made some wonderful friends that have made us feel very comfortable and welcomed into the area. Bronson and I both have two church callings. Bronson is the Elder's Quorum Secretary and a Cub Scout Den Leader. I am the Relief Society Secretary and the Ward Chorister. We love our callings and have found great happiness in fulfilling those roles.

Lately, I have been trying really hard to establish myself as a photographer and build my business. It's slow-going at the moment, but that's just the process. Trying to build a portfolio and reputation and work by word-of-mouth. But I finally have an actual website! It took a little convincing to get Husband's approval to pay for the domain, but it looks awesome and it's totally customizable and very user-friendly. I recently had one senior session [you can view here] and another one is coming up! Bron and I are also going on vacation back home to Arizona at the end of this month for my uncle's wedding, which I will be photographing as well as doing two more senior sessions while we are in town! I love being busy with photos. Makes me happy happy happy.

Well, darlings. This is all I have for you... for now. Until next time!


  1. I'm so glad you are enjoying it in Colorado!! We can't wait to see you around Christmas! I'm glad you love to do hair so much too because you may just have some business when we catch up :)

    1. We are SO excited to see you, too! And I'd be happy to hook you guys up with cuts and whatever you need over the holidays. ;)


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