Later, CO.

Bron and I have been living in Denver since April and are just a few days away from moving back to Arizona. We were slated to be here until at least the end of next summer. But with Baby on the way, among other things, we decided we needed to go home. It's bittersweet. We are really happy to be going home, though. Since we found out about our upcoming +1, we have only wanted to share this time with our families. Colorado isn't very far from Arizona when it comes to counting the miles, but in reality, if you're not less than an hour's drive away, you may as well be halfway across the world. We are content with our decision, though we have loved our time in Colorado. So, I figured it was appropriate to bid farewell to this place and close this chapter in our life book.

Colorado, thank you for the beautiful summer. Minus the fact that it snowed twice in the first month that we lived here, it was pretty glorious. It was nice not to get a third degree burn every time I sat in my car. Your mountains make Arizona's look like lumps of dirt (which they basically are, more or less). I will say, AZ still has better sunsets, though. Now we are getting the heck out of here before it snows -- (thanks for holding off on that until we leave, too).

To the people we have met and friends we have made, we love and appreciate you and all that you've done for us. Thanks for making us feel welcomed from the get-go. We thought it was going to be a lonely little world for us on our own, but you all made it enjoyable. So, thanks for that. It's been wonderful to get to know you.  Hit us up if you're ever in AZ.

Here's to a new chapter.


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