525,600 minutes and counting

Bronson and I recently celebrated our one-year anniversary of marriage on September first. It has truly been the most wonderful year of my life. What amazes me is how incredibly fast this year went. I remember the first time we came home to our apartment as newlyweds and how excited we were. I remember unpacking boxes and trying to find a place for everything and make our tiny 550 square foot apartment feel home-y. I remember wondering what the heck it means to be a wife and if it was expected that I cook three meals a day, maintain an immaculate home at all times, and seek housewifely perfection. Thankfully, none of these things were true. I've come to learn that "wife" does not have a one-size-fits-all definition and my husband is totally happy with the role of wife that I've made for myself. And it goes both ways. Bronson fulfills the roles and duties of a husband that work for our marriage. We have found happiness in not trying to define our marriage based on others, but rather do what works for us and what is in keeping with what we believe to be right. Now, just for funsies, here are some of my favorite things about our marriage from the last year:
  • No one makes us laugh harder than each other and we don't enjoy laughing with anyone else more.
  • Falling asleep together and waking up next to each other. It isn't like the movies where we snuggle all night and fall asleep in each others arms. Bron falls passes out/snores in two seconds and neither of us look cute when we wake up. But I still love it.
  • We love binge watching TV shows together. But I love that Bronson secretly gets wrapped up in my sappy, melodramatic shows (best example: Grey's Anatomy) and comes home asking what happened.
  • Bronson finally read Harry Potter! Now he understands my insane love for HP
  • Our move to Colorado has brought us closer together and made us rely on each other and strengthened our marriage. 
  • Bronson always asks me if it's okay if he plays his Xbox, just to make sure I don't feel like he is ignoring me. It sound silly, but I appreciate that he cares. 
  • I turned him into a fellow cat lover. Bron let me adopt another kitten when we moved to CO. Sage is very partial to Bron and Dexter is my snuggle bug, so it works out well.
  • We take turns doing laundry, dishes, cleaning the kitchen, etc. Bron appreciates a clean home as much as I do.
  • Watching YouTube/Vine videos together is our pre-bedtime pastime.
For our anniversary, we went on a little day trip to Breckenridge, a cute little ski town just 90 minutes west of Denver. Our drive out to Breck was rather long, given the fact that our anniversary falls on Labor Day weekend and everyone and their dog was headed out of town. Thankfully Bron and I like talking to each other. ;) When we got to Breck, we took a ride on the gondola and meandered around town, ate, and enjoyed ourselves. It was a short and sweet little trip, perfect for us. Bron also surprised me with tickets to see Muse at the Pepsi Center, which we just went to earlier this week and loved. To say our first year has been wonderful would be putting it lightly.

Here's to the years ahead of us. So far, so good.

In Breckenridge
MUSE Concert


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