40 days [whaaa?!]

'ello dear friends.

Things are coming along swimmingly. So well in fact, that the reality is only sort-of setting in. The little countdown app on my phone has been ticking down rather quickly the last couple weeks. We are picking up speed. And I couldn't be happier.

Invitations went out last week. I was pleased to hear back from friends and family that they had arrived and were well-received within 24 hours. Thank you, USPS! I had a fair bit of anxiety handing over my almost-200-count hand-made and self-designed invitations. Had to give the post office lady solid eye contact when I passed them up and said, "Take care of them!" Bron and I put hours and hours into those puppies. They were worth it, though.

I am excited to pick up my dress this week. My wonderful, sweet step-grandmother spent hours hemming and creating a custom piece to make the dress modest without taking away from the beauty of the gown. She's an angel, let me tell you. The work she has done for me could have easily cost me a few hundred dollars. But she did it for free. When you are on a tight budget (like myself), these acts of service matter. I am so happy and grateful. Bronson hasn't seen my dress at all, though I have described it to him. But we are set on not letting him see it until the day we do our bridal photos, which will be about a week before the wedding. I'm anxious for that moment. Those are probably my favorite photos -- when the groom sees his bride in her gown for the first time. :} Can't wait for my day...

One thing that I feel the need to touch on is my gratitude for my grandmother. Most of you readers do not and probably will not meet her, but I have so much love for this wonderful woman. She has made more sacrifices out of love than almost any other person I know, specifically when it came to my wedding. For those of you familiar with wedding planning details, whether your own or another's, there is so much to get done and take care of. My reality not only includes that, but also the unfortunate fact that this is in the midst of my parents' very messy divorce. When I got engaged, I knew that the timing was far from ideal, but I wasn't going to wait. My sweet grandmother told me from the moment I first got engaged, that she was going to do everything she could to be sure that I felt my wedding was not affected negatively by the events transpiring in my family. She has stayed true to her word -- I have wanted for nothing. The monetary aspects and all other 'superficial' details aside, it is the mere acts that she has done that has meant more to me than I could try to convey. As I told her recently, I hope to one day be the grandmother to my grandchildren that she has always been to me. As a child, Grandma's spoils were fun and almost expected -- the sacrifices were never fully appreciated. As an adult, knowing what sacrifice is, her gifts, love, and actions have taken on an exponentially more powerful meaning. I am so blessed to have this angel grandmother in my life.

There have been many family members and friends who have done great acts of sacrifice and extended their hearts and hands to help me and my immediate family lately. You know who you are. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your help. Thank you for your love. It does not go unnoticed. I love you.

To my dear, sweet fiancé, I love you more than words. I am anxiously awaiting our day, to be sealed to you for eternity and forever have you with me. 40 days.


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